Moonlight Sonata (Movement 1) - Beethoven


How Can Virabhadrasana II Help You?

     Virabhadrasana I, II, and III are all good for your body in many ways. Not only do they bring flexibility to your knees, hips, and sides, but they also help you achieve a certain level of coordination and balance if practiced often and long enough. like many asanas, they help you improve your breathing and general posture, as both are required fully for these postures. 
     Specific health benefits include helping those with carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and sciatica. Yes, infertility. Tests have been run proving that performing the postures on a daily basis for at least half an hour increases your chance of becoming fertile. Carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, osteoporosis, and sciatica (pressure on your sciatic nerve, against the pelvic bone) are all helped through the stretching and muscle use in the posture.

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